My Biggest Inspiration


Hello to the beautiful people reading my blog. My first blog post is going to be a little different as you can probably tell from the title above. I know quite a few people aren’t going to read this post because it’s not usual stuff but “It’s my blog and I can write what I like”. 😎

Before I start typing I just wanted to appreciate madam Chimi for inspiring us students to start blogging even though they are difficult to write, I wasn’t even sure that I was going to even post them, so thank you so much!

When most people get asked who inspires them, they usually say the names of celebrities, or when they get asked who their role model is, they usually say a celebrity they are keen on, like a singer, author, actor, or footballer. Don’t get me wrong, I look up to plenty of celebrities, but my number one inspiration and role model is my dad.


I don’t really know where to start and this is probably going to sound all bluff but I have wanted to write a post about who inspires me for ages, so here goes…

My dad is my rock, he’s always been there for me, that’s what dads do but he honestly does go above and beyond. I can talk to him about my problems, which is important because most people can’t. Literally, if I have a problem he is almost always the first person I go to and if he isn’t the first person then he is defiantly the second person. He keeps me in line and makes me see sense, especially about things that I’m overthinking. If I need him, he’s there.

He made me believe that being different was a good thing, and you were born to be real and not perfect. My dad is the reason that I am who I am, the reason I'm not afraid to mess about every now and again. He taught me there is no use in criticizing yourself instead putting effort is more important while working towards your goal. He has taught me so much, things that I would defiantly never have learned in school. I would be lost without him. He has supported me through thick and thin, I would not be who I am today without him.

I’m going to wrap this up now. Thank you for reading! Have hope and stay positive. Keep smiling and don’t settle for any less than you deserve. Go for what you want, and achieve your dreams.

P.s I would like to know who is your biggest inspiration and why did they inspire you in the comment section.

Thank You

~Kinley Namgay ✌
